Essence Professional 廚房單把手龍頭 Kitchen Single-Lever Sink Mixer-Grohe-30294DC0-Home Manner
Essence Professional 廚房單把手龍頭 Kitchen Single-Lever Sink Mixer-Grohe-30294000-Home Manner
Essence Professional 廚房單把手龍頭 Kitchen Single-Lever Sink Mixer-Grohe-Home Manner
Essence Professional 廚房單把手龍頭 Kitchen Single-Lever Sink Mixer-Grohe-Home Manner
Essence Professional 廚房單把手龍頭 Kitchen Single-Lever Sink Mixer-Grohe-Home Manner


Essence Professional 廚房單把手龍頭 Kitchen Single-Lever Sink Mixer

定價 $5,200.00
單價  每 

高儀歐適專業 - 工業造型與強大性能融合

成為優秀的廚師首先要有得心應手的工具 - 這是高儀歐適專業廚房龍頭的設計理念。這款龍頭方便料理相關的廚房事務,從容器注水到果蔬清洗再到餐後清理等,帶來專業級使用優勢和靈活性。採用快速安裝系統,可輕鬆與檯面或水槽下方連接,是任何廚房佈局設計的理想之選。這款龍頭可360°旋轉,達到充分的使用靈活性,且抽拉式專業沖洗花灑有兩種噴灑模式 - 普通式和強勁的激射式 - 非常適合輕鬆應對廚房雜務。還可延伸覆蓋雙槽水槽範圍。使用完畢後,高儀易泊M系統促使噴嘴在強效磁鐵的引導下順暢縮回原位。引人注目的造型和考究的細節讓其成為當代風或工業風廚房設計方案的理想之選,比如配套軟管有多種飾面:啞光透明大理石色、啞光深棕色以及啞光深灰色。這款混合龍頭蘊含絲順技術,可確保多年持久順暢精準控制水流和水溫。清潔方便,使用衛生的擦拭潔淨GROHFlex矽膠軟管和快速清潔矽膠噴嘴,指尖輕抹,即可去除水垢。而且高儀星閃鍍鉻飾面閃亮防刮,表面持久耐用。安裝高儀歐適專業龍頭,在家即可體會到專業級廚房帶來的高品質享受。


Being a great chef starts with having the best tools – that is the thinking behind the GROHE Essence Professional single-lever mixer tap. Experience the professional-level power and flexibility of this tap, which makes short work of everything from filling pots to cleaning veg and clearing down afterwards. Thanks to the Easy Installation System it fits easily onto island units or underneath wall-mounted cupboards, an ideal option whatever your layout. The tap turns through 360˚ for maximum flexibility while the pull-down professional spray head has two options – a standard spray and powerful jet spray – perfect for achieving a multitude of kitchen tasks with ease. It also extends across the width of a double sink. When you are finished the GROHE EasyDock M system also means that the solid metal spray head retracts easily, guided back into place by a powerful magnet. It’s a perfect choice for contemporary or industrial-style kitchen schemes thanks to its dramatic styling and carefully considered details, like the hose available in a choice of finishes – matt sheer marble, matt dark brown and matt dark grey. This monobloc mixer contains SilkMove technology to ensure smooth, accurate water and temperature control for years. Cleaning is easy, with the hygienic, wipe-clean GROHFlexx silicone hose and the SpeedClean silicone spray nozzles that can be cleared of limescale with a brush of your finger. Plus the sparkling GROHE StarLight chrome finish is scratch-resistant for a dazzling surface designed to last. Get the taste for professional-level performance in your own kitchen with GROHE Essence Professional.

產品編號 Product Number 30294DC0 30294000 

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